Egg-Eating Snake
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The Egg-eating Snake is truly a remarkable creature. Some snakes eat birds’ eggs and other animals which are much wider than their own bodies. They can do this because their jaws are not rigidly fixed together, but are instead connected by ligaments which can stretch, allowing the snake to force its mouth over it’s of prey.
Snakes do not dislocate their jaws, that is an urban myth.
A snake’s stomach can also stretch enormously, allowing the prey to be swallowed whole. A snake which has just eaten a big meal looks very strange indeed. Its head and neck are the normal size, then there is a huge bulge where the unlucky prey is located, before the body tapers to its usual size towards the tail.
Snakes that swallow eggs whole have a unique way of breaking them open once they are inside their bodies. They have special bones in their throats which they squeeze against the egg until it breaks and then they manage to spit out the crumpled eggshell before any pieces slip down into their stomach.

Hippo Killer..?
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The Hippopotamus is the third biggest land animal, slightly smaller but heavier than a white rhino - the elephant is the biggest. Surprisingly, no animal has killed more people than the hippo.
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They are hoofed vegetarians, feeding on grass, fallen fruit, and occasionally on cultivated crops such as sugar cane or corn during the night. They spend most of the day in the water. The hippo, weighing in at 4,000 pounds and more, lives in Africa and prefer rivers with deep water and nearby reed beds and grasslands. If you ever come across a hippo with his mouth open like he’s yawning, don’t be fooled… it’s not sleepy… Hippos are very protective of there turf and their young. It’s warning you to stay away by showing you his long, thick, razor-sharp canine teeth, or tusks, with which it is capable of biting a small boat in half. Hippos have killed more than 400 people in Africa - more than any other wild animal.

Worlds Smallest Snake
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Here’s something cool… Just days ago, the soil-burrowing, Barbados Thread Snake was discovered and is being called the world’s smallest.
At about ten centimeters long (less than four inches), the new snake species was confirmed through genetic tests and studies of its physical features by biologist Blair Hedges.

Amazing Gorilla Discovery
Intresting Animal Facts Conggo
A fantastic discovery was made few days before when researcher, Hugo Rainey, discovered an estimated 125,000 Western lowland gorillas living in a swamp, just north of the Congo in Africa. What makes this discovery so wonderful is that these gorillas are a critically endangered species and up until this discovery there were only believed to be 50,000 left in existence.