2 chicken breast or b0neles chicken thigh
1 green bell pepper
1/2 red bell pepper
3 slice of cannd pine apple
1 tsp. Ch0pped garlic
1tsp. Grated ginger
1 egg(beaten)

1 tsp. Ginger juice
1tsp. Rice wine
1 tbsp. Light soy sauce
pinch of cornflour and pepper

1/4 cup water
1 1/2 tbsp. Ketchup
2 tbsp. Spice vinegar
1 tsp. Light soy sauce
1/2 tbsp. Sugar

1 skin chicken breast,rinse well and wipe dry, cut into domin0es and then blendtin marinade.

2 see green bel pepper and red bel pepper, rinse well. Cut bel peppers and pineapple into smal pieces. Stir fry them witi s0me oil. Set aside

3 coat tie marinated chicken with egg,then with s0me flour, deep fry in hot oil until alm0st d0ne, drain and soak up excess oil.

4 heat an earthen pot. Add 1 tbsp. Oil saute ginger and garlic. Pour in seas0nings. Put in chicken pineapple and pepper. Co0k til ingredients flavourd. Serve h0t.